Ko te Community Access Media Alliance (CAMA) te pouhere matua mō ngā pou reo irirangi ‘access’ 12 motuhake puta noa i te motu. Ko tō mātou wawata kia whai wāhi ngā tāngata katoa ki te ao pāpāho.

Mō ngā ringa auaha

Kei te hiahia koe ki te mahi hei kaiwhakapāoho, māngai reo irirangi, ringa auaha, kaihanga whakaaturanga/kōnae ipurangi rānei? Mā ō mātou 12 pou reo irirangi koe e āwhina ki te hanga i ō ake mea pāpāho. Ahakoa ko tēhea reo, mehemea kei te irirangi, kei te ipurangi rānei, he huarahi māmā, kore utu hoki tēnei ki te hono atu ki te hāpori whānui.

Hono atu ki tō hunga whakarongo

Mehemea he hinonga nā te kāwanatanga koutou, he NGO, he kamapene, he pākihi, he rōpū hapori rānei, ka taea e mātou te āwhina ki te whakarite pai i ō koutou karere, i ngā pūrongo hoki kia tūturu ō koutou kōrero ki te hunga whakarongo.

Ngā Kaupapa nui o te wā

OAR FM launches new website with accessibility focus

OAR FM has redesigned and relaunched OAR.ORG.NZ

CAMA welcomes new leadership at Planet FM and Access Radio Taranaki

CAMA welcomes Brent Harbour and Tracey Blake to the Community Access Media whānau.

WAR’s Conversations with Wāhine celebrates three years of broadcasting!

Conversations with Wāhine celebrates three years of broadcasting at WAR.

Ā mātou kōnae ipurangi hōu

21-01-2025 16:48
Bhakti-Margam - Grow Spiritually - Episode 36 - Spiritual journey

Otago Access Radio

A Spiritual journey is nothing but a journey where we can get to know ourselves. We can feel utmost happiness, unconditional Love for ourselves and for others as well.The spiritual journey starts from our childhood, our parents taught us, what they knew in their spiritual way. This show was broadcast on OAR 105.4FM Dunedin - http://oar.org.nz

21-01-2025 16:23
Community Notices - How to live to 100 - 04-02-2025

Radio Hawkes Bay

Information about local community events

21-01-2025 15:53
The Blackhouse 18-01-2025

Wellington Access Radio

The Blackhouse centres African-NZers/Black-NZers stories, experiences, concerns, observations, music, community news, and events.

21-01-2025 15:45
Eurocard - Jan 21 2025

Fresh FM

Audio postcard from Spain by ex Nelsonian Lorraine MacIntosh.

21-01-2025 15:37
Radio Ivanui 18-01-2025

Wellington Access Radio

Radio Ivanui is a Cook Islands programme focusing on achievements within the community. The show is presented in Cook Islands Māori by Ina Tekeu.

21-01-2025 15:29
Lapwood Laps - Jan 21 2025 ep26

Fresh FM

Darren Lapwood presents some of the best songs for speedway racing.

21-01-2025 14:37
Tomorrow - Jan 14 2025 ep120 - NZ Shows in '25

Fresh FM

Join Tony Tomorrow as he explores the local scene, local people and local music around Nelson in the past, present and future. With a little bit of randomness mixed in.

21-01-2025 14:36
Rise Up Maranga, (R.U.M)! 18-01-2025

Wellington Access Radio

The young people from Spectrum Care, and what matters to them!

21-01-2025 14:15
Waikato Chinese Voices - 20-01-2025

Free FM

Waikato Chinese Voices is your source of culture and information for the region's Chinese speaking community. News and current affairs, discussions, immigration policy, life hacks and music, plus local Chinese community events.

21-01-2025 13:51
2DMC 17-01-2025

Wellington Access Radio

The boiling pot of reggae sounds from around the world with informative and topical discussions trending in our community.

21-01-2025 13:28
In the Neighbourhood 17-01-2025

Wellington Access Radio

News, interviews and highlights from Wellington Access Radio programmes, friends and neighbours.

21-01-2025 13:16
Sunday Sads 19-01-2025

Wellington Access Radio

Sunday Sads is a music and chat show to help you mourn the end of the weekend and prepare yourself to head into the next one. Pinky, our host curates a suitably moody playlist each week to supplement special segments and even more special Special Guests.

21-01-2025 13:11
Young Years 16-01-2025

Wellington Access Radio

The second half of the 20th century was notable for popular and contemporary music of an enduring quality.

21-01-2025 13:00
Life Coaching with Gaeil -21-01-2025 - Gaeil and Sonya check out what the Tarot have to say

Radio Hawkes Bay

Psychic and Spiritual Counselling as Gaeil explores various dimensions of the spiritual world

21-01-2025 12:38
Thing of the Week 16-01-2025

Wellington Access Radio

21-01-2025 12:30
Living Life with Annemarie and Ginny - Books and TV recommendations - 21-01-2025

Radio Hawkes Bay

A lively chat show between two old friends who have a zest for life and a passion for food, travel, books, art and everyday life.

21-01-2025 12:30
The Brooklyn Galleria 18-01-2025

Wellington Access Radio

Tune in for a great mix of music and interviews with special guests.

21-01-2025 12:00
Bookenz - Tk Roxborogh, Mary-Anne Scott and Pete Majendie

Plains FM 96.9

Interviews with NZ writers and poets, visiting authors from around the world and news of local events

21-01-2025 12:00
Community News-21-01-2025

Radio Southland

Stay updated on the events, happenings, and services that are available in our local Southland community!

21-01-2025 11:57
Sweet Sounds with Kelly-13-01-2025 - feat 80s and 90s - Stevie Nicks-Tiffany and more

Radio Hawkes Bay

Kelly plays some of her faves from across the decades

21-01-2025 11:30
Regular PBC broadcasts with news and music

Planet FM

Tune in Monday to Friday for news, current affairs, interviews and special interest pieces

21-01-2025 11:18
Testing, testing, 1-2-3 - 21-01-2025

Arrow FM

Nothing to see here. Really.

21-01-2025 11:00
Green Thumbs and Dirty Fingers - Jan 21 2025

Fresh FM

Gardening tips with Philippa Foes-Lamb.

21-01-2025 11:00
Being Real Parents - Kids and Sleep!

Plains FM 96.9

Sophie from Drift Sleep joins Anna to talk about sleep concerns we may have for our tamariki, and how we can best support them.

21-01-2025 10:02
The Night Sky - 21-01-2025

Arrow FM

What's above us in space and time. The wonders of our magnificent night sky, from antiquity to the very latest science and news.

21-01-2025 10:00
Breakfast - 21-01-2025 Featuring Dragon - Craig Douglas - The Reels - Moving Pictures and more

Radio Hawkes Bay

Featuring Dragon - Craig Douglas - The Reels - Moving Pictures and more

21-01-2025 09:35
Monuina e pogipogi

Planet FM

Hear church news, community activities, singing and music. Learn about life, social and support services locally and across Aotearoa

21-01-2025 09:30
Let's Talk Coffee - and everything in-between 21-01-2025 Tia Tuanikere Pt.2 - The HIP Group

Access Radio Taranaki

From hospo to mentoring. Tia Tuanikere continues his kōrero with Marlaina, sharing how he became involved in the supportive mentoring organisation that is The HIP Group.

21-01-2025 09:30
OARsome Morning Show - 21-01-2025 - Round the Mountain Event - Colin Brown

Otago Access Radio

Round the Mountain event - Colin Brown from Taieri Rotary previews this year's charity adventure cycle event around the Maungatua mountain range. This show was broadcast on OAR 105.4FM Dunedin - oar.org.nz

21-01-2025 09:15
Talking Taiao 20-01-2025 Heading Towards Zero Waste in Construction

Access Radio Taranaki

Waste from construction sites makes up a large proportion of landfill in NZ. Elric and OJ discuss the issues around construction waste, but things are changing. What we can do about it? How can the volume be reduced? why should we aim for zero waste?.

21-01-2025 09:15
Making Yourself At Home 20-01-2025 Toni from NZ

Access Radio Taranaki

Meet Toni from New Plymouth - a talented local artist, with a heap of creative stuff going on and a psychology diploma

21-01-2025 09:15
OARsome Morning Show - 21-01-2025 - New clubhouse for Warrington Surf Life Saving Club - Mark Hastie

Otago Access Radio

New clubhouse for Warrington Surf Life Saving Club - Warrington Surf Life Saving Club have received a $300,000 grant from Otago Community Trust to rebuild its aging lifeguarding facility. Club Captain Mark Hastie updates us on the project. This show was broadcast on OAR 105.4FM Dunedin - oar.org.nz

21-01-2025 09:00
Linda Light Channel - New Year Blessings & Gong Sacred Sound

Plains FM 96.9

Invoke your healing prayers and energy for 2025. Number 9 year brings completion, wholeness and rebirth. Guided meditation and healing light language with Earth Mother Gaia. Sound waves with sacred Gong. Channelled wisdom and messages to support your mind, body and spirit.

21-01-2025 09:00
The Lymph Info Show - Amanda chats with info trust Mr Simon Chong National Lymphatic Surgery Service - 21-01-2025

Radio Hawkes Bay

Improving patient’s lives through education and awareness about lymphoedema.

21-01-2025 08:00
The Arinality - E199 - Arina Reflects on Creating Habits

Otago Access Radio

In this episode, Arina shares some learnings from her latest read the Atomic Habits by James Clear on how to create good habits and break bad ones. This show was broadcast on OAR 105.4FM Dunedin - oar.org.nz

21-01-2025 07:55
Tongan news and current affairs

Planet FM

The latest for the Tongan community – global news, Tongan news and current affairs, interviews, community stories and events.

21-01-2025 07:00
Sixties Sensations-21-01-2025

Radio Southland

Peter presents a taste of the sixties with the best of sixties music. It's simply sensational!

21-01-2025 07:00
Sounds of Southland - 21-01-2025

Radio Southland

A weekly one hour show promoting and talking about Southland-produced music and tracks from Southlanders elsewhere in the world.

21-01-2025 07:00
The Wisdom Collective: Crazy busy as a status symbol-21-01-2025

Radio Southland

Join us as we discuss how we use distraction to hide from our inner work, recognising burn out, and hustling for our value through DO-ing.

21-01-2025 07:00
Lorraine in Spain-21-01-2025

Radio Southland

Join expat Southlander Lorraine for her latest European news report!

21-01-2025 07:00
Old Folks At Home-21-01-2025

Radio Southland

Pat Corkery is the new host for the iconic Southland radio programme, Old Folks At Home. Each week he plays a selection of music aimed to bring back fond memories for our older generation.

20-01-2025 22:00
The Joy of Classical Music – Ep 86 - The Language of Film Music Pt 1 - 20-01-2025

Free FM

A film score can set the mood for a scene, can provide cues to the viewer about what's going to happen and how the characters are feeling. A score can add depth of emotion, create urgency and indicate the setting while reflecting the cultural and thematic elements of the film's story but the choices in this episode are more than just compositions written in support of visual elements, the best scores that stand as works in their own right. Opening with a few words from Al Jolson in the first ‘talkie’, 1927s The Jazz Singer, episode 86 of The Joy of Classical Music dips into the first 40 years or so of film music. Al Jolson - the Jazz Singer 1927 Camille Saint-Saëns - The Assassination of the Duke of Guise 1908 Joseph Carl Breil - Birth of a Nation 1915 William Axt and David Mendoza - Don Juan 1926 Erich Korngold - The Adventures of Robin Hood 1938 Max Steiner - Now Voyager 1942 Max Steiner - Gone with the Wind 1939 Alfred Newman - The Song of Bernadette 1943 Alfred Newman - How Green Was My Valley 1941 Franz Waxman - The Bride of Frankenstein 1935

20-01-2025 21:40
The Tongan Women's Association presents!

Planet FM

Old and new Tongan music, education updates, health information, positive parenting segments, news.

20-01-2025 21:30
ACTivate - Summer Edition: People, Books, Songs and more

Plains FM 96.9

In this month's show Kerry and Catherine share their good read, protest song and human rights stories from 2024.

20-01-2025 21:00
Earthwise - Marjorie Cohn

Plains FM 96.9

Marjorie Cohn, professor emerita at Thomas Jefferson School of Law, former president of the National Lawyers Guild. Israel is guilty of apartheid, a crime against humanity, according to 2 international treaties: the Apartheid Convention and the Rome Statute.

20-01-2025 20:30
Voices of Peace and Aroha - Episode 104

Plains FM 96.9

A weekly programme about Muslim faith, culture, and social activities

20-01-2025 20:00
Arasan FM – அரசன் FM Otago - 20-01-2025 - Episode 165 - RJ Koutham

Otago Access Radio

This show was broadcast on OAR 105.4FM Dunedin - oar.org.nz

20-01-2025 20:00
Namasthe Telugu - 20-01-2025 - Chittoor (Replay)

Otago Access Radio

This show was broadcast on OAR 105.4FM Dunedin - http://oar.org.nz

20-01-2025 20:00
Scott's Favourites - Music Mix - 20-01-2025

Radio Hawkes Bay

Catch up with Scott each week to find out what he has been up to and hear some of his favourite songs

20-01-2025 19:00
Radio Viti Manawatu Episode 64 - History of Manawatu

Manawatu Peoples Radio

A radio show/podcast from Radio Viti New Zealand looking at events and personalities in the Fijian community in Manawatū, produced by Manawatū People's Radio with the support of New Zealand On Air.

Whai mai