Ko te Community Access Media Alliance (CAMA) te pouhere matua mō ngā pou reo irirangi ‘access’ 12 motuhake puta noa i te motu. Ko tō mātou wawata kia whai wāhi ngā tāngata katoa ki te ao pāpāho.

Mō ngā ringa auaha

Kei te hiahia koe ki te mahi hei kaiwhakapāoho, māngai reo irirangi, ringa auaha, kaihanga whakaaturanga/kōnae ipurangi rānei? Mā ō mātou 12 pou reo irirangi koe e āwhina ki te hanga i ō ake mea pāpāho. Ahakoa ko tēhea reo, mehemea kei te irirangi, kei te ipurangi rānei, he huarahi māmā, kore utu hoki tēnei ki te hono atu ki te hāpori whānui.

Hono atu ki tō hunga whakarongo

Mehemea he hinonga nā te kāwanatanga koutou, he NGO, he kamapene, he pākihi, he rōpū hapori rānei, ka taea e mātou te āwhina ki te whakarite pai i ō koutou karere, i ngā pūrongo hoki kia tūturu ō koutou kōrero ki te hunga whakarongo.

Ngā Kaupapa nui o te wā

WAR’s Conversations with Wāhine celebrates three years of broadcasting!

Conversations with Wāhine celebrates three years of broadcasting at WAR.

Fresh FM undergoes digital transformation as it celebrates 30 years

Fresh FM launches new digital platform to continue to serve and engage with communities.

Aotearoa New Zealand’s biggest podcasting platform gets a makeover

accessmedia.nz has undergone a makeover, marking a shift in strategy

Ā mātou kōnae ipurangi hōu

12-12-2024 16:40
He Tifa Ola 12-12-2024

Wellington Access Radio

He Tifa Ola discusses everyday health issues for families, and raises the awareness of Health Services in the region for Pacific families. The programme is presented by Nive, Twiggy, and Joe, and is spoken in both Tokelauan and English.

12-12-2024 15:58
Vibes from Africa 11-12-2024

Wellington Access Radio

A programme for all people who identify themselves as African and anyone else interested in learning about African values, music, and experiences.

12-12-2024 15:50
Local Culture 11-12-2024

Wellington Access Radio

Join Solomon Powell for a show on local arts, music and culture.

12-12-2024 15:31
Tiare Taina 11-12-2024

Wellington Access Radio

A show for the Cook Islands community, in Cook Islands Māori and English.

12-12-2024 15:21
Cigarettes Will Kill You 11-12-2024

Wellington Access Radio

12-12-2024 15:10
The Watermelon Report - Episode 39 - Palestine and Syria

Otago Access Radio

Talked about the recent escalations in Palestine and also Syria. This show was broadcast on OAR 105.4FM Dunedin - http://oar.org.nz

12-12-2024 15:00
A Sonic Youth episode 166 - Smog, Craig Finn

Free FM

Oliver plays favourite tracks from Bill Callahan's lo-fi Americana project Smog, including a brilliant newly re-released live in studio performance. Also, favourite tracks from The Hold Steady frontman Craig Finn's debut solo album. Follow @asonicyouthpodcast on Insta and Facebook. This show is part of the Free FM 89.0 YOUTH ZONE. Made with support of NZ on Air.

12-12-2024 15:00
Laughing Magpie - December Guest Jay Leslie - 12-12-2024

Radio Hawkes Bay

What's happening on the comedy circuit in Hawkes Bay.

12-12-2024 14:00
Musical Confection Episode 623 - Tunes With One Name Only

Manawatu Peoples Radio

A mixed bag of musical allsorts presented weekly by Ray Woodley, produced by Manawatū People's Radio with the support of New Zealand On Air.

12-12-2024 13:30
At the Flicks - Dec 12 2024

Fresh FM

A weekly chat about what’s happening at State Cinemas in Nelson, with information on current and upcoming films.

12-12-2024 13:30
Playful Goddess - 12-12-2024 - Episode 2 - Barriers to Playfulness

Radio Hawkes Bay

Reconnect with your inner child, find a lighter way of living and unleash the playful goddess within.

12-12-2024 13:00
The Voice Within - 12-12-2024

Free FM

The Voice Within explores new age beliefs with regular guests.

12-12-2024 12:30
Real Life Stories That Change Lives - Dec 12 2024 ep23 - When Your Purpose is Bigger Than the Challenge pt2

Fresh FM

Harold tells his own real-life journey stories to give hope to the hopeless. His stories positively impact personal lives and businesses, and he prides himself on helping people discover who they are.

12-12-2024 12:15
In the Garden with Megan - 12-12-2024 - Berries - Cuttings and - Boysenberry Ice Cream

Radio Hawkes Bay

Gardening tips and a yummy recipe from Megan Williams

12-12-2024 12:15
Breakfast - Featuring Eddy Grant - Badfinger - The Turtles and more

Radio Hawkes Bay

Featuring Eddy Grant - Badfinger - The Turtles and more

12-12-2024 12:15
Political Perspective - Katie Nimon - National MP for Napier-12-12-2024 Ferries - PSA - National MP rankings

Radio Hawkes Bay

National candidate Katie Nimon presents a roundup of NZ Politics from a National Party perspective

12-12-2024 12:04
KahuRangi - 12-12-2024

Arrow FM

Uncovering the Treasures of Tāngata Whenua in Wairarapa.

12-12-2024 12:00
Fighting Stigma - 12-12-2024

Free FM

Managing expectations for the end of the year

12-12-2024 12:00
Diversity Dispatch - 12-12-2024 - Drag Race Generator (Part 2)

Otago Access Radio

Rikki and Miles add local drag performers into a Drag race generator and see what happens. This show was broadcast on OAR 105.4FM Dunedin - http://oar.org.nz

12-12-2024 12:00
In Tune - Christmas Show

Plains FM 96.9

Service users from the Helen Anderson Trust chat and play music

12-12-2024 12:00
Michelle's Moments - 12-12-2024

Radio Hawkes Bay

Sharing wisdom, inspiring words and uplifting learning.

12-12-2024 11:30
Regular PBC broadcasts with news and music

Planet FM

Tune in Monday to Friday for news, current affairs, interviews and special interest pieces

12-12-2024 11:00
Teachings of the Bhagavad-Gita Episode 153 - The Three Modes of Material Nature (Chapter 14, Verses 15-18)

Manawatu Peoples Radio

A short talk on the Bhagavad Gita, produced by Manawatū People's Radio with support from New Zealand On Air.

12-12-2024 11:00
Nothing But Kiwi Thursday - 12-12-2024

Radio Hawkes Bay

Kiwi music - the Best Of

12-12-2024 10:45
Community Corner-12-12-2024 - Kim Harvey chats about the Zespry Young And Healthy Virtual Adventure

Radio Hawkes Bay

Interesting people from our community and across NZ share their stories

12-12-2024 10:15
Community Corner-12-12-2024 Scott Rice chats about the Z Manu World Champs

Radio Hawkes Bay

Interesting people from our community and across NZ share their stories

12-12-2024 10:00
Una Lloradita y a Seguir 11-12-2024 Ep. 28 PrimeraCitaConTarjetaRoja_Parte2 - First Date with a Red Card - Part 2

Access Radio Taranaki

En "Primera Cita con Tarjeta Roja - Parte 1", exploramos esos errores imperdonables que arruinan una primera cita. Prepárate para escuchar, en este segundo episodio, los peores fails y cómo evitar una tarjeta roja en el amor. ¡Risas y lecciones aseguradas! In First Date with a Red Card - Part 1, we dived into those unforgivable mistakes that ruin a first date. Get ready for this second episode, where we share the worst fails and tips on how to avoid getting a red card in love. Laughter and lessons guaranteed!

12-12-2024 10:00
Pick a Tale for Adults 11-12-2024 Crossed Wires & The Spirit of Christmas

Access Radio Taranaki

Sheila Forbes reads two more of her beautifully crafted short stories: Crossed Wires and The Spirit of Christmas

12-12-2024 10:00
Conversations with a Mayor 12-12-2024 Phil Nixon_Library and 2025

Access Radio Taranaki

Mayor Phil from South Taranaki District Council talks about the opening of the new library in Te Hāwera, and what the council is getting up to over summer and heading into 2025

12-12-2024 10:00
Live Interview with Mrs Mac from Paraparaumu School and the Christmas Market

Coast Access Radio

Nikki is in studio chatting to Mrs Mac from Paraparaumu School about their Christmas Market happening on Tuesday 17th December

12-12-2024 10:00
Fletcher's World on Youth Zone - 12-12-2024 - Episode 22 - Christmas Special

Otago Access Radio

This show was broadcast on OAR 105.4FM Dunedin - oar.org.nz

12-12-2024 10:00
Town Belt Kaitiaki Podcast - Episode 6 - Planting & Being Involved in Nature

Otago Access Radio

This show was broadcast on OAR 105.4FM Dunedin - http://oar.org.nz and made thanks to the support of NZ on Air.

12-12-2024 09:45
Rolling Back the Years With Radius 11-12-2024

Access Radio Taranaki

This week, amongst the usual requests and dedications, we are treated to the beautiful piano playing of Rodney, from Radius Thornleigh Park

12-12-2024 09:45
Live Interview with Paul Western from Kapiti College re their International Student Programme

Coast Access Radio

Nikki is in studio chatting to Paul Western from Kapiti College about their International Student programme, and the need for more Homestay families in 2025Coast Access Radio presents a selection of interviews from our Live to air broadcast

12-12-2024 09:45
Anpudan Waikato – 11-12-2024

Free FM

Created by Free FM, Hamilton, New Zealand

12-12-2024 09:30
Made In New Zealand -12-12-2024 Melissa Hannon - Gals N Gasoline

Radio Hawkes Bay

We chat with Kiwi musicians, authors and other creative people about their passions.

12-12-2024 09:15
Speak Legal - Conversations with Community Law Otago - 12-12-2024 - Discharge without conviction - Graeme Scobie

Otago Access Radio

Discharge without conviction - Graeme Scobie provides an overview of the law and procedures around discharges without conviction.

12-12-2024 09:00
Well, Well, Well - 12-12-2024 - Tips for Health Care in the Holidays - Carol Atmore

Otago Access Radio

Tips for Health Care in the Holidays - WellSouth Clinical Director Carol Atmore provides a helpful guide to preparing for the holiday season. This show was broadcast on OAR 105.4FM Dunedin - http://oar.org.nz and made thanks to the support of NZ on Air.

12-12-2024 09:00
The Drive Home Show - Christmas Markets

Plains FM 96.9

Join Thomas and DJ Jordan as they spread holiday cheer with a festive mix of Christmas songs, local news, events, and weather updates. Plus, get a sneak peek into what’s in store for Christmas Day!

12-12-2024 09:00
Girl Woman Athlete - Dr Wendy Sweet on a career in the fitness industry & thriving through the menopause

Plains FM 96.9

This week Sophia is joined by Dr Wendy Sweet from My Menopause Transformation. Wendy has had a long and exciting career in the fitness industry, being a Pioneer of the Personal Trainer movement and taking part in the early Iron Man competitions in Auckland. She moved into Academia in her 40s, embarking on a PhD to look at Womens health and sports, particularly the effect of lifestyle choices through the menopause. She now runs her own business that helps women thrive from peri to post menopause.

12-12-2024 09:00
Hyena 96.9 - Entering our flop era

Plains FM 96.9

We yapped, we flopped, we laughed

12-12-2024 08:45
Break the Chain with Alika from Pro Recover Power – 12-12-2024

Free FM

Alika from Pro Recover Power tells us how he managed to get free from a 20-year addiction to alcohol, drugs, and lying. Alika is a recovering addict who is now a substance abuse counsellor and the founder of Pro Recovery Power and intends to make a huge impact on the world and save as many people as possible from this affliction. Find out more about what Alika does at PRP: https://prorecoverypower.com/

12-12-2024 07:30
Country with Rita - Christmas Special - Featuring - Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton - Elvis - The Statler Brothers and more - 12-12-2024

Radio Hawkes Bay

Country music from New Zealand and around the world

12-12-2024 07:00
Radio Without Pictures-12-12-2024

Radio Southland

Songs that remind Darren's friends of summer - Part 1

12-12-2024 07:00
Share Box-12-12-2024

Radio Southland

Jean shares music that relaxes the soul and her thoughts about life and culture here in NZ.

12-12-2024 07:00
Community News-12-12-2024

Radio Southland

Stay updated on the events, happenings, and services that are available in our local Southland community!

12-12-2024 07:00
Angkrinkan Indonesia-12-12-2024

Radio Southland

🎉 Angkrinkan Indonesia siap menemani kamu! Stefenpon bakal bawa cerita lucu, tips wisata, dan makanan Indonesia yang bener-bener bikin kangen rumah! 😍 Kalau kamu lagi pengen nostalgia atau nyari tempat seru buat liburan, ini tempatnya! 🏝️ #IndonesiaKu #LiburanKeren #RadioSouthland #TawaBarengStefenpon

12-12-2024 07:00
The Sanity Valve-12-12-2024

Radio Southland

Great music is like a sanity valve – it grounds you, soothes you, lifts you up or inspires you. In this on-hour fortnightly show Jago Byatt introduces his selection mostly British tracks that have inspired his interest over the last 50 years

12-12-2024 07:00
Hola Southland-12-12-2024

Radio Southland

Dive into captivating stories, insightful discussions, and curated music on Radio Southland.

12-12-2024 07:00
The Seventies Show-12-12-2024

Radio Southland

Get ready to boogie down with Terry Toner, your flower power guide to the grooviest decade ever! 🌸💃 Every week, Terry takes you on a far-out trip through the music, style, and vibe of the 70's. From bell bottoms to disco balls, he’s got your weekly dose of nostalgia covered with a fun twist! 🚗✨ Tune in for the best tunes, wild fashion, and far-out stories from the 70's. It’s a throwback like no other! 🎶🕺 #RadioSouthland #SeventiesVibes #DiscoFever #RetroRewind #FlowerPower

Whai mai