Youth broadcasting hits the airwaves at Wellington Access Radio

With shows ranging from live news bulletins to Fijian and Spanish language programmes to a deep dive into Taylor Swift fan theories, Wellington Access Radio has kicked off a new youth broadcasting project to elevate local youth voices.

The current youth shows will get a glow-up with a new Youth Broadcasting logo, website page, and promotional poster run, and the station’s focus for 2024 will be on recruiting new youth voices to host their own programmes.

Station Manager Tony Kemp says, “we believe that it is vitally important that youth are given a platform to share their thoughts, views and experiences in their own voices. They’ve got things to say that need to be heard – and they don’t always get the chance in mainstream media”.

High school student and host of Rainbow Talk Radio, Rebecca, agrees that it’s essential that young people get their voices heard, saying that her show has made a significant difference to rainbow rangitahi around Wellington.

“I have received an array of really awesome responses over the course of the series. One response said ‘I loved hearing an honest open discussion about unique queer experiences and being able to relate to the stories made me feel so much better in myself’.

“Being able to give these feelings to the rainbow youth of Wellington, my peers, is something I would not be able to do without the youth programme at Wellington Access Radio.”

The new-look Youth Broadcasting was launched on May 6.

The new Youth Broadcasting logo and poster campaign were created by a young designer we were able to engage thanks to the Wellington City Council Social & Recreation Fund.

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