Ngā tikanga matatiki o CAMA

  1. Access media gives priority to groups who aren’t adequately served by other existing media. These include niche interest groups, women, children, persons with disabilities, and ethnic communities.
  2. Access media stations observe the Code of Broadcasting Standards as set out by the Broadcasting Standards Authority (BSA)
  3. Stations will not broadcast/podcast material that is threatening or abusive to any person or group, or if it deems it to be misinformation. 
  4. Stations will not broadcast/podcast material that promotes hatred against, hostility towards, brings into contempt or holds up to ridicule any person or group by reason of disability, sex, race, age, colour, sexuality, religion, political persuasion or ethnic or national origin.
  5. Groups or individuals have editorial control over the content of their programmes within New Zealand laws and respective station policies. Censorship will be avoided except where standards have been contravened. 
  6. Advertising must adhere to the access media kaupapa of elevating community voices or serving a need in the community. Any approved advertising across the stations must be in line with the Advertising Standards Authority

All content-makers, volunteers, workshop attendees, and access media employees/employers:

  • have the right to be treated with respect, free from any form of discrimination or harassment;
  • will conduct themselves in an ethical and professional manner; and
  • will communicate with their respective station manager if they feel their rights have been breached.

So you’re wanting to make a post to spread the access media word, here’s a few things to think about: 

  • Who is your intended audience? 
  • What are you wanting to say and to achieve?
  • What you should try to avoid saying: 
    • Expectations for professional conduct are the same online as offline.
    • Do not embarrass or disparage your access media station. 
    • Avoid sharing private or confidential information. Understand your privacy setting but know that any post can accidentally become public. 
  • Think about the style of language you’re using, the use of tags, hashtags, and whether you’re wanting to tag any organisation of interest. 
  • Remember to be kind, be careful, and have fun!

Respect, fairness, and openness should inform all decision-making and conflict resolution practices. In the event that parties are unable to reach a mutually satisfactory agreement, mediation should be sought as a next step. Each station has their own internal process with dealing with complaints and work-related issues. 

E tū covers people working in the media. If you are an employee in the access media sector and would like to know more, see here. Employment in the sector is governed by the Employment Relations Act. If you would like to know more about your rights as an employee see here for more. 

Being safe at work is important. It is a responsibility shared by both the employer and the employee. For more information on the Worksafe framework, see here. The wellbeing of the access media community is also important so that people can flourish. For more information click here, and to access support see here